Friday, October 10, 2008


It's never too soon to start good-health habits. The kind of care you give your body while it's developing and going through puberty, is key to lasting health and good looks. Doctors have found that your health habits and attitudes during adolescence affect you for the rest of your life.

Learn more about how to stay healthy and look great:
Eat right
Develop confidence in yourself.

Your developing sexuality is something else you may concerned with. You may have questions like:
• What is masturbation, and how do females do it?
• How do I understand the different methods of birth control?
• How is puberty for males and females different?
• What if I'm pregnant?
• What are the different kinds of STDs?
• How do I prevent nail fungus and dandruff

1 comment:

KARADI said...

dis is very much imptnt..2 i wish..u guyz/gals..will know more about u r health..and all the stuff givn by me!!!!!!!!!1