Monday, December 08, 2008 Expert Review

Midlife Crisis or Male Menopause /Andropause?

For year’s men who were experiencing physical and emotional changes assumed they were going through some sort of midlife crisis. Researchers now suggest these men were probably experiencing something quite different, a male version of menopause.

While most men do not want to accept the fact that the very hormone that makes them a man is decreasing the sobering truth is that as many as 25 million American males between the ages of 35 and 55 are experiencing some degree of male menopause or Andropause. Andropause is characterized by decreased testosterone levels associated with the normal aging process.

Depressed Man

What are some of the Symptons of Male Menopause/Andropause?

1. Decrease in sex drive
2. Lack of energy
3. Decrease in strength and/or endurance

4. Decreased "enjoyment of life
5. Sad and/or grumpy
6. Erections less strong
7. Deterioration in sports ability
8. Falling asleep after dinner.
9. Decreased work performance
10. Depression

Testosterone replacement therapy is the primary treatment for men with lowered testosterone levels. This treatment is still quite controversial considering the risks associated with this form of replacement therapy. Men and their doctors often weigh risk to reward when considering this type of therapy. Testosterone injections, while reducing Andropause symptoms may also increase stroke risk, liver toxicity, gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) and temporary sterility.

Is there a natural answer?

Many researchers and satisfied users of new super potent herbal formulations give an enthusiastic yes to this question. These over the counter supplements will naturally boost testosterone levels while reducing Andropause symptoms without the negative feedback associated with hormone replacement therapy. These pills help your body produce more of your own testosterone, instead of adding testosterone from an outside source, which can shut down the natural production of testosterone.Which will put you in worse shape after you stop the injections.
Happy Couple

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