Friday, October 10, 2008

Everyone Gets Angry, But...

Is it better to avoid angry feelings or to let them out?
What about the people who say they never get angry? Is that a healthy attitude? For answers to these and other questions about handling anger, check out the following videos or articles.

We’re all very familiar with anger. There really is clinically no one definition of anger, and it’s one of the most misunderstood emotions. It sometimes can even cross the line to being verbally abusive or physically aggressive towards someone.

Chronic Anger:

Are you constantly holding in anger?
Are there people in your day-to-day life who repeatedly make you angry?
Do you spend a lot of your time angrily thinking about what certain people said or did to you?
Do you feel you are a victim of injustice?

Perhaps you are so angry that you are no longer holding it in. Do you find that interactions with important people in your life are becoming increasingly tense, hostile or explosive?

Researchers believe that this type of angry -- prolonged stress is the most physically unhealthy, particularly for the cardiovascular system. If you suffer from this type of anger-related stress, you should be making some immediate changes in your life. Start right now by taking a couple of deep breaths, then read on!

From tiffs with loved ones or a violent outbursts of "road rage", anger is something we're all familiar with. It may be normal -- but is it ever healthy?

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