Sunday, June 29, 2008

How To Flirt With a Woman

The bastion of flirting has always been male centric. Even though women are slowly and gradually entering into this arena, it still remains a male dominated one. However, most of the guys still do not know how to flirt with a woman. Maximum time they end up looking either foolish or too pushy. So, to help you in this area, we are providing some tips for flirting with girls…

Your Looks
The first thing that a girl, infact anybody, notices about you is your physical appearance. You don't need to look like Hrithik Roshan or Richard Gere to attract girls. Just remember to make the most of your looks, dress smartly and have a clean appearance. And do not forget to splash on a sensuous aftershave and cologne. Last but not the least, carry yourself with confidence and poise.

Drop Hints
The next step in the game of flirting with women is to show your interest by dropping subtle hints. Keep sending admiring looks her way. If even after seeing you watch her admiringly, she tries to avoid you, back off. But, if she also looks at you time and again, it sure is a positive sign.

Approach Her
After you have received some positive hints from her, just walk over and introduce yourself. However, try not to use the clichéd pick up lines, since most of the other guys must have done the same. Try to be a little different and strike an intelligent conversation.

Concentrate on Her
While conversing with her, make her the center of your attraction. Do not look here and there while talking to her and especially if some other attractive woman enters or walks by.

Most of the women like being flattered. However, the compliments should be genuine. Try to find something that is actually good in her. For example, do not say she is most beautiful girl you have ever met, it seems a bit exaggerated. You can say something like you like her confidence or the way she carries herself and so on.

Show Courtesy
Charm and courtesy still do not fail to impress a girl. There is something about manners and etiquette that always melts a girl. Pulling out the chair for her, holding the door for her, etc will all project a very positive image of you on her.

Pursue Her
By now you must have found out how much interested she is in you. If the response is highly positive, ask for her phone number or probably even a date. In case she is a little hesitant, DON'T push her too much. Just spend a little more time with her so that she gets more comfortable with you. Give her your number only if she asks for it. Otherwise, avoid the same.

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